Illnesses involving the gastrointestinal tract are called digestive disorders and they tend to affect several parts of a specific organ simultaneously. Among these we could mention irritable bowel syndrome or “irritable colon”, heartburn and constipation, among others.
Treatment of acute diarrhea without complications in adults and children over 12 years of age.
Dosage of Antilax®:
Initial dose: one (1) tablet, followed by one (1) tablet after every bowel movement, not to exceed 8 mg/day (4 tablets). If diarrhea were to get worse during treatment or last for more than 48 hours, suspend the therapy and speak to your doctor.
Diarrhea involves more frequent bowel movements accompanied by reduced consistency (firmness) of stools. Diarrhea can be due to many causes. Some foods can provoke diarrhea because of problems digesting or absorbing them (for example, lactose in the case of those intolerant of that product). The most frequent cause of diarrhea in adults and children is a gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis), especially when caused by viruses, although bacteria and parasites also cause diarrhea.
When should I worry if I have diarrhea?
In adults diarrhea is generally a sign of indigestion, a viral infection or the presence of bacterial toxins in certain foods (food poisoning). Diarrhea due to these causes is generally short-lasting and with few symptoms, such as cramps, bloating or gases and mild discomfort (acute diarrhea). In cases of food poisoning, diarrhea tends to end on its own when the toxic agent has been eliminated and people tend to feel better within a few days. When diarrhea is due to a viral infection, symptoms may last more than three days, accompanied by general discomfort and even a low fever. In cases where diarrhea is accompanied by several abdominal pain, bowel movements with mucus or blood, and there is a high or persistent fever and/or it is accompanied with vomiting, the cause is probably a bacterial infection, in which case it is very important to speak to a doctor; the same is true if the diarrhea lasts more than a week. There is a type of infectious diarrhea that affects people who travel to other locations (the beach, countryside or abroad) where they may eat foods that have too many bacteria or bacterial toxins, especially when eating food bought on the street. This is the so-called traveler’s diarrhea. Traveler’s diarrhea generally occurs during the first three days after leaving home, is usually accompanied by cramps and discomfort, and is probably caused by some toxins and, therefore, tends to be self-limiting over time (disappearing gradually). Nevertheless, it can be annoying while it lasts and may require the use of antibiotics.
What should I do if I have diarrhea?
Making sure to stay properly hydrated is the most important measure. When the frequency of bowel movements increases, the body not only loses water but also salts that are important for our bodies to work properly. It is essential to replace the approximate volume of liquid lost by drinking more oral rehydration solutions, low-sugar juices, broth or consommé, or the like. We must reduce our consumption of foods that are hard to digest, such as fats, flours, grains and dairy products, or those that tend to produce gases. It is important to observe our stools, see if they show blood, mucus or pieces of undigested food (the presence of the first two is a reason to speak to a doctor), and watch for any other symptoms, such as high fever, chills, vomiting and abdominal pain that does not go away. In cases of acute diarrhea (less than 72 hours) without fever, vomiting, or mucus or blood, in other words diarrhea without complications, the person may take an anti-diarrheal medication.
What is Antilax®?
Antilax® is a safe and effective product based on loperamide 2 mg that acts by slowing down the movement of the intestines and thus reducing the number of bowel movements.
Heartburn is what we call a burning sensation that people may feel in the pit of their stomach or epigastric area (medical terms). Heartburn is quite frequent and most of us have felt it at some point. This happens when the strong acid found in the stomach travels up to the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach). It can also happen when the stomach produces to much acid (hyperacidity) that can irritate the walls of the stomach itself.
What are the symptoms of heartburn?
The most frequent symptom is a burning sensation in the lower chest, and upper abdomen (pit of the stomach) which can even travel to the upper chest and cause an acid taste in the mouth; this may be a sign of a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux. Another frequent symptom is a feeling of fullness or heaviness, burping and, sometimes, nausea.
What can I do to ease or end heartburn?
One of the principal causes of heartburn is the type of foods we eat and how we eat them. It is advisable to:
Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and watch the size of our servings.
Avoid eating right before lying down.
Drink plenty of water.
Insofar as possible avoid fried and very spicy foods, vinaigrettes and refined sugars, There are spices that tend to irritate the gastric mucus and could exacerbate heartburn, among others black pepper, mint, ground chili peppers, curry powder, cloves, mustard seeds, hot sauces, chili peppers, nutmeg, fresh garlic and raw onions; the latter can also cause acid reflux.
Cut back on coffee and carbonated drinks.
Stomach acid can be dealt with by taking an anti-acid such as Kalmax® Compositum (famotidine with magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate), which helps relieve the symptoms associated with heartburn and stomach upsets. With its dual-action formula, Kalmax® Compositum provides immediate relief for heartburn, beginning to neutralize or block the effects of acid within a few seconds; relief lasts for 12 hours or more thanks to the famotidine.
Senokot® with docusate is a dual-action laxative that provides relief for occasional constipation, effectively and safely stimulating movement of the bowels while, at the same, time making stools softer for easier bowel movements.
Dosage of Senokot®:
Adults: one (1) tablet, preferably before going to bed, but no more than four (4) tablets a day. Children over 12, weakened patients, and the elderly: begin with half a tablet, preferably before going to bet, up to a maximum of two (2) tablets a day.
Constipation is a condition in which the person’s bowel movements are less frequent. The stools may be hard, dry and, in general, hard to pass. People normally have a specific frequency for their bowel movements, called bowel habit. In general terms, a bowel habit is expected to be once a day or at least three times a week. When a person has less than three bowel movements a week, the person is said to suffer from constipation. Constipation may be acute or chronic and the most common causes are a change in the daily routine, both for eating and for drinking liquids, lack of foods with fiber in the daily diet, and lack of exercise. Some medications can also cause constipation.
What are the symptoms of constipation?
With a slowdown in the frequency of bowel movements, fecal material (stools) inside the large intestine or colon tends to become dehydrated and become more compact (becoming harder), gas accumulates and abdominal bloating (swelling) occurs. All this leads to cramping pain, gases, and the feeling of the need move the bowels, to strain and, sometimes, to pain when passing the stool. Hard, compact stools, together with straining may lead to complications such as hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse or anal fissures, among others.
What can I do to relieve or treat constipation?
First, you must be aware of your normal intestinal habit and pay attention to changes in the frequency of your bowel movements and the possible causes. Remember to drink enough water; in addition to keeping you hydrated, water also hydrates your stools. Begin to eat foods rich in fiber, gradually since too much fiber can cause gases. Fiber is to be found in foods such as cereal (rice, oatmeal, bran), in vegetables (spinach, chard, cucumbers) and in fruits. Cut back on consumption of flours (white bread, sweets) and processed foods (sausages and the like). Exercise regularly. One of the most effective measures for preventing acute constipation, in other words constipation that is not due to a disorder of the digestive system (bowels), is by using a product that helps move your bowels, known as laxatives. There are different types of laxatives that work differently. If different measures, including the use of laxatives, do not work and there have been no bowel movements for over three days, you should speak to your doctor.
What is Senokot® with docusate and what is it used for?
Senokot® with docusate is a laxative that works by stimulating movement in the walls of the colon, fostering bowel movement and the passing of the stools. It also contains docusate, a substance that softens stools and makes them easier to pass. Senokot® with docusate is indicated for the relief of occasional constipation and to restore regularity and in cases of functional constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth, or that caused by medications, diet or chronic illnesses.
Temporary and symptomatic relief of digestion disorders.
Stamyl® forte is a combination digestive aid and antiflatulent, with an improved formula that provides fast and effective relief of symptoms involving problems with digestion of foods, by helping digestion, eliminating gases and feelings of heaviness.
Indigestion (dyspepsia) is a combination of feelings of distress in the upper abdomen, that tends to occur immediately following a meal. It is a feeling of heaviness or over fullness, gases and abdominal bloating. This abdominal bloating may also spread downwards even as far, for instance, as the belly button. Indigestion is not the same as heartburn, but indigestion can also cause a burning sensation in the upper abdomen (pit of the stomach). This tends to happen when we eat foods that are “hard to digest”, such as very fatty foods (fried foods, butter, sweets with creamy substances made using margarine or milk), whole milk and dairy products, flours, some grains (beans, chick peas, broad beans and the like), some green vegetables such as broccoli, etc.
What are the most frequent symptoms of indigestion?
In most cases, indigestion is not a sign of a health problem unless accompanied by other symptoms that cause alarm bells to ring. People usually complain of a feeling of “heaviness in the stomach”, “a lot of gas”, the abdomen may become bloated and hurt, and there may be burping, nausea and a sensation of distress. If the indigestion is caused by an intolerance to some specific food (such as, for example, the problems some people have digesting lactose), then diarrhea may ensue.
What can I do to prevent or treat indigestion?
Sticking to a diet with few or no foods that may be “hard to digest” is a very important part of preventing the symptoms of indigestion. Sometimes foods that are not particularly “indigestible” for some may cause problems in others. That is why it is important to know which ones cause problems for you. Diets low in fats, refined sugars, pastries, sausages, some grains and other foods may help prevent indigestion. There are also medications available that contain substances that can help with digestion. These are called digestive medications.
What is Stamyl® forte and what is it used for?
Stamyl® forte is a combination of digestive enzymes (pancreatin) with simeticone that helps relieve the symptoms of dyspepsia or indigestion and helps expel gas accumulated in the digestive canal. The combination of pancreatin and simeticone is ideal for treating the problems of slow, heavy digestion, facilitating the expelling of gas and easing the discomfort of abdominal bloating and pain.