

Common cold, general malaise, headache, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough and fever.

Medications for the common cold


Active ingredient in Teragrip Forte®:

acetaminophen 650 mg – caffeine 20 mg – chlorpheniramine 2 mg

Teragrip Forte® indications:

  • Symptomatic treatment of the common cold.
TERAGRIP FORTE® is a formula containing 650 mg. of acetaminophen that relieves the symptoms of the common cold, such as general malaise, nasal congestion, headache, fever and sore throat.

Dosage of Teragrip Forte®:

1 tablet every 6 hours.

Dosage forms of Teragrip Forte®:

  • 650 mg coated tablets x 10.

Active ingredient in Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets:

acetaminophen 650 mg – chlorpheniramine 4 mg

Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets indications:

  • Symptomatic treatment of the common cold.
TERAGRIP FORTE NOCHE® consists of a formula containing 650 mg of acetaminophen for relief of the symptoms of the common cold, such as general malaise, nasal congestion, headache, fever and sore throat.

Dosage of Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets:

1 tablet every 6 hours.

Dosage form of Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets:

  • 650 mg coated tablets x 4.

Active ingredient in Teragrip Forte®:

acetaminophen 650 mg – caffeine 20 mg – chlorpheniramine 2 mg

Teragrip Forte® indications:

  • Symptomatic treatment of the common cold.
TERAGRIP FORTE® in granules is a formula containing 650 mg. of acetaminophen that relieves the symptoms of the common cold, such as general malaise, nasal congestion, headache, fever and sore throat.

Dosage of Teragrip Forte®:

Contents of one packet dissolved in one cup of water every 6 hours.

Dosage forms of Teragrip Forte®:

  • 650 -20/ 2 mg granules 10 g x 6 packets
  • 24h x 10 tablets daytime + 4 tablets at night

Active ingredient in Teragrip Forte Noche®:

acetaminophen 650 mg – chlorpheniramine 4 mg

Teragrip Forte Noche® indications:

  • Symptomatic treatment of the common cold.
TERAGRIP FORTE NOCHE® consists of a formula containing 650 mg of acetaminophen for relief of the symptoms of the common cold, such as general malaise, nasal congestion, headache, fever and sore throat.

Dosage of Teragrip Forte Noche®:

Contents of one packet dissolved in one cup of water every 6 hours.

Dosage form of Teragrip Forte Noche®:

  • 650 mg granules 10 g x 6 packets.

Active ingredient in Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets:

acetaminophen 650 mg – chlorpheniramine 4 mg

Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets indications:

  • Symptomatic treatment of the common cold.
TERAGRIP FORTE NOCHE® consists of a formula containing 650 mg of acetaminophen for relief of the symptoms of the common cold, such as general malaise, nasal congestion, headache, fever and sore throat.

Dosage of Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets:

1 tablet every 6 hours.

Dosage form of Teragrip Forte Noche® tablets:

  • 650 mg coated tablets x 4.

Active ingredient in Teragrip® Supra:

acetaminophen 650 mg – pseudoephedrine 30 mg – chlorpheniramine 2 mg – dextromethorphan 15 mg

Teragrip® Supra indication:

  • Symptomatic treatment of the common cold accompanied by a dry cough.
TERAGRIP® SUPRA consists of a formula containing 650 mg of acetaminophen together with pseudoephedrine, chlorpheniramine and dextromethorphan, that relieves the symptoms of the common cold accompanied by a dry cough.

Dosage of Teragrip® Supra:

Adults and children over 12: 1 tablet every 6 hours.

Dosage form of Teragrip® Supra:

  • 650 – 30 – 15/ 4 mg coated tablets x 10

Can I take Teragrip® Supra when I have a cough with phlegm?

Teragrip® Supra is indicated for treatment of the common cold accompanied by a dry cough given that the formula includes dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant medication that blocks the cough reflex. (Ask for it in the pharmacy section). It should not be used in the case of a cough with phlegm; in those cases it is best to use an expectorant/mucolytic that helps loosen the phlegm to be coughed up.

Active ingredient in Teragrip® Pediátrico:

Every 5 mL of Teragrip® JARABE contains: acetaminophen 125 mg – chlorpheniramine 1 mg

Teragrip® Pediátrico indications:

  • Symptomatic treatment of the common cold
To treat general malaise, nasal congestion and fever, TERAGRIP® JARABE is the formula for the relief of the symptoms of the common cold in children between 7 and 12 years old. It contains an analgesic/antipyretic (acetaminophen) and an anti-allergic medication (chlorpheniramine), a combination that helps relieve the symptoms of the common cold (general malaise, fever and nasal congestion), and has a pleasant grape-juice flavor.

Dosage of Teragrip® Pediátrico:

For children from 7 to 12 years old: Two (2) tablespoons (10mL) every 6 hours.

Dosage form of Teragrip® Pediátrico:

  • 125 mg-1 mg/ 5 ml pediatric syrup x 120 ml

What is in Teragrip® Jarabe?

Teragrip® Jarabe is a combination of acetaminophen (125 mg) and chlorpheniramine (1 mg) indicated for relief of the symptoms of the common cold (general malaise, nasal congestion and fever) in children aged 7 to 12, so-called school-aged children. Description of the components: Acetaminophen is the analgesic/antipyretic most commonly used around the world for the relief of general malaise and fever thanks to its effectiveness and safety. It is available without a doctor’s prescription. Chlorpheniramine maleate is an anti-allergic medication that helps prevent the increased secretion of mucus that comes with the common cold or allergic rhinitis. It is part of a large group of non-prescription medications that, either alone or in combination with other medications, is used to relieve the symptoms of the common cold and allergies. The antiallergic action can be felt within 30 to 60 minutes.

Has there been a change to the Teragrip® jarabe formula?

No, the formula of Teragrip® Jarabe is the same as before, guaranteeing the effectiveness and safety that is the hallmark of the Teragrip® brand for relief of the symptoms of the common cold in children from 7 to 12 years of age.

Differences between flu and the common cold

Flu and the common cold are different diseases, caused by different viruses, although they do have many symptoms in common, which is why many people consider them to be synonyms. The flu is a respiratory infection caused by a virus from the Influenza family. There are several subtypes of the Influenza virus that can cause infections that vary in the degree of severity. A cold is also a viral respiratory infection, but there are dozens of different viruses causing colds, such as the Rhinovirus, Parainfluenza, etc. Two of the main differences between the flu and a cold are fever and the patient’s general condition. Whereas a cold does not tend to cause fever (except in small children), fever is very common in the case of the flu, generally over 38º C, especially in children. With the flu, the patient generally feels more worn out, has a headache and, quite often, pain in muscles and joints. With a cold, the patient has a runny nose, coughing and sneezing, but, aside from the discomfort of these symptoms, does not feel sick.

What are the cause and symptoms of the common cold?

A cold is a respiratory infection that affects the upper respiratory system and is caused by different viruses, mainly the rhinovirus. The symptoms come on gradually and last 7 to 10 days. The most frequently felt symptoms are: general malaise, sore throat, congestion and fever.

Treatment for the common cold

The treatment for relief from the common cold aims at relieving the symptoms given that there is nothing that will affect the cause itself (the virus). There are medications such as painkillers (acetaminophen and its combinations) to relieve the symptoms. As part of the treatment patients are told to drink a lot of liquid and follow proper hygiene: washing their hands frequently, covering their mouth with a handkerchief when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding crowded areas with poor circulation of air.