In general, when we speak of a “vademecum” we are referring to a manual or handbook that provides the most salient information concerning a given subject. If we speak of a medication vademecum, we are referring to a book used by healthcare professionals, such as doctors or pharmacists, to determine the indications, composition and dosage forms of different medications.
Below you will find our Vademecum (Guide to Farma products) where you can find all the information you need concerning our pharmaceutical products.
Every 1 ml contains:
Indications: Supplement with vitamins A, D and C.
Dosage: Specified dosage per day, pediatric use as prescribed by the doctor.
Dosage Form: Drops: Dropper bottle with 30 ml. E.F. 31.419/09.
Indications: A painkiller and antipyretic. Mild to moderate acute or chronic somatic pain.
Dosage: Adults and children over 12 years: 1 tablet every 6 hours. No more than 8 tablets/day.
Side effects: Confusion, drowsiness, sedation, nausea, vomiting. Although less frequent, it may also cause euphoria, constipation, a rash and itching.
Warnings: Care must be taken in the case of patients with respiratory depression or chronic constipation when long-term treatment is required.
Interactions: The medication may have an additional depressor effect on the central nervous system when used together with other narcotic painkillers, general anesthesia, phenothiazine medications, tranquilizers and other products that depress the central nervous system (including alcohol). Should this occur, reduce the dosage. When used together with anticholinergics it may cause paralytic ileus.
Contraindications: Pregnancy. Children under 12 years old.
Dosage Form: Tablets. E.F. 23.522/10
10 mg empagliflozin.
– As an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
– To reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and established cardiovascular disease.
– To reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and hospitalization for heart failure in adults with heart failure.
Route of administration: Tablets may be taken with or without food and should be swallowed whole with water.
– Hypersensitivity to empagliflozin; reactions such as angioedema have occurred.
– Dialysis patients
– Pregnancy and lactation
– Pediatric patients
Dosage: Assess volume status and correct hypovolemia before initiating treatment.
Warnings and Precautions
Adverse reactions
Pharmacological interactions
Presentations: Actumir® 10 mg. 30 and 10 coated tablets.
Each capsule contains:
Indications: Symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea without complications.
Dosage: Children over 12 and adults: Initial dose: 2 mg; continue taking one 2-mg tablet after every bowel movement , but no more than 8 mg/daily (4 tablets). If the diarrhea gets worse during treatment or lasts more than 48 hours, suspend the treatment and speak to your doctor.
Contraindications: Allergy to any of the ingredients of the formula. In children under 12 years old, patients with severe liver failure, intestinal obstruction, intestinal polyparasitism, dehydration, severe colitis, diarrhea associated with pseudomembranous colitis. Not to be administered to patients with fever of in the case of bowel movements with blood and/or mucus, vomiting, or in case of general weakness.
Warnings: Not to be administered during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected nor when breastfeeding unless ordered by the doctor. If symptoms persist when using the medication, stop taking it and speak with your doctor. Use of this product does not replace normal treatment of diarrhea with oral rehydration, or antibiotic therapy when justified. When treating diarrhea, administer for no more than 48 hours. For the treatment of chronic diarrhea, prior evaluation and prescription by a doctor is necessary. There have been reports of some patients with ulcerative colitis in whom the agents that slow bowel transit may lead to toxic megacolon. This may also happen in the case of infectious diarrhea. Do not take more than the recommended dose. This product must be kept out of the reach of children.
Dosage Form: Package with 10 tablets. E.F. 33.576/11
Indications: Treatment of mild to moderate arterial hypertension when the combination is appropriate.
Dosage: Begin with the lowest dosage (2.5/50 mg) and adjust as necessary.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Warnings: Do not administer during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Consider using lower dosages in patients with a history of liver problems.
Dosage Form: Capsules: Package with 2.5/50 mg and 5/100 mg. capsules E.F. 37.211 and 37,212. 5/50 mg. capsules E.F. 38.655/11.
Indications: Prevention of strokes (CVAs) and systemic embolisms in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). Treatment and prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Treatment and prevention of pulmonary embolism (PE).
Dosage: The recommended dose is 20 mg once a day. In the case of patients with moderate kidney failure (ClCr<30-50 ml/mn), the recommended dose is 15 mg once a day. Maximum daily dose: the maximum recommended daily dose is 20 mg. An Arudil® 15 mg pill should be taken twice (2 times) a day for the first three (3) weeks of acute care. After the first three (3) weeks, continue treatment with Arudil® 20 mg once (1 time) a day. The Arudil® 15 mg and 20 mg pills should be taken with food.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula, hemorrhaging, serious liver disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Warnings: This medication should not be administered to patients who are lactose or galactose intolerant. Advanced age can increase the risk of hemorrhage. It must be used with care in the case of patients with serious kidney disease (Cl/cr <30 cc/min).
Dosage Form: Package with 15 mg. coated tablets. E.F. 41.487/16. Package with 20 mg. coated tablets E.F. 41.488/16.
Every 2 mL syringe contains:
Indications: Antineuritic, antineuralgic.
Posology: As prescribed by the doctor.
Route of administration: Intramuscular (IM).
How to use: Slit open the bottom of the case. 2) Carefully remove the syringe. 3) Remove the rubber cap at the top of the syringe. 4) Remove the needle from its case and join it firmly to the syringe. 5) Remove the plastic cap on the needle. 6) Administer the medication. 7) For safety reasons, discard the syringe after use.
Nota: Sterility of the product cannot be guaranteed if there is any damage to the case or the syringe.
Adverse reactions: Hypersensitivity reactions: anaphylaxis, skin reactions.
Warnings: This product should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Do not administer during pregnancy or if pregnancy is suspected, nor while breast feeding, unless ordered by the doctor. When taking this product, urine turns yellow. Do not to exceed the prescribed dose.
Precautions: Avoid alcoholic beverages. Care must be taken in the case of patients being treated with levodopa.
Contraindications: Allergy to nicotimanide, riboflavin (vitamin B2), allergy to any of the components of the formula.
Interactions: Barbiturates, citrates, carbonates, alcohol, neomycin, colchicine, para-aminosalicyclic acid, potassium, chloramphenicol and other bone-marrow suppression drugs may reduce bioavailability. Isoniazid, cycloserine, penicillamine, hydralazine and oral contraceptives increase the daily requirements of pyridoxine and revert the therapeutic effect of levodopa.
Storage: Store in a cool place and out of the light at less than 30º C. E.F. 29.101/17.
Indications: Pre- and post-operative scrubbing of surgical staff. Preoperative cleaning of surgical field, of wounds and burns. For use in the doctor’s office. Adjuvant for the treatment of a variety of skin infections.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to iodine
Dosage Form: Bottle containing 120 ml. E.F.15.502.
Indications: Topical antiseptic providing coverage for a broad range of bactericide and fungicide activity, especially for pre- and post-operative preparation of the surgical field and very useful for outpatients. Treatment of wounds, burns and a variety of skin infections.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to iodine.
Dosage Form: Bottle with 180 ml of the solution E.F.15.503.
Ingredients :
Indications: Treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis.
Dosage: 1 tablet a month.
How to use: Take on an empty stomach with approximately 8 ounces (250 ml) of water; do not eat or take medications at the same time nor during the first hour after taking the medication. Remain upright for one hour after taking the medication. Do not chew.
Adverse reactions: Flu-like symptoms (fever, headache, myalgia, pain in bones). Elevated liver enzymes, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and hypomagnesemia, esophagitis, gastritis. Use with caution in the case of a history of gastric ulcers.
Warnings: Do not administer during pregnancy or suspected pregnancy nor when breastfeeding. This product should not be taken by patients who are lactose or galactose intolerant.
Dosage Form: Coated pill: Box with 1. E.F. 37.009.
Ingredients :
Indications: Treatment of mild to moderate arterial hypertension. Treatment of heart failure, stages II to IV.
Dosage: High blood pressure: Adults: 80 mg to 160 mg/daily. Maximum dose 320 mg/day. Heart failure; 40 mg every 12 hours. Adjust the dosage upwards to 80 mg and 160 mg every 12 hours.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formula. Other angiotensin receptor blockers. In patients with serious liver and/or kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver, cholestasis of the bile ducts, primary aldosteronism and patients in dialysis. Pregnancy
Side effects: Adverse reactions to valsartan have proven to be mild, temporary and with little effect. The most frequent ones are: CARDIOVASCULAR: Orthostatic effects (hypotension, dizziness), palpitations: NEUROLOGICAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL: occasionally, headache, drowsiness, ataxia. In exceptional cases, insomnia, vertigo, depression, fatigue and neuralgia. RESPIRATORY: occasionally, viral infection, infection of the upper airways, cough, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. DIGESTIVE: occasionally, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, dyspepsia. Unusually, gastroenteritis. OSTEOMUSCULAR: occasionally muscle cramps and myalgia. HYPERSENSITIVITY: rarely, angioedema and itching. At the humoral level, slight and occasional serum increases of creatinine, potassium and bilirubin have been noted. In unusual cases it may be associated with decreased hemoglobin, hematocrit and neutrophils.
Dosage Form: Pills: boxes with 30 coated tablets, 80 mg and 160 mg E.F. 35.863 and E.F. 35.864. Capsules: boxes with 10 and 30 capsules, 80 mg.
Indications: Second line treatment in patients who fail to respond to monotherapy.
Maximum dose: Valsartan 80 mg – Chlorthalidone 12.5 mg.
Most frequent side effects: VALSARTAN: Cardiovascular disorders: Orthostatic hypotension, nervous system disorders: dizziness. CHLORTHALIDONE: metabolic and electrolytic: hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hyperuricimia, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypercalcemia, hypopotassemia and hyponatremia.
Interactions: Lithium, corticosteroids, amphotericin, hypoglycemiants, amiodarone, anticoagulants, digitalis medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cyclosporine.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of any of the excipients, pregnancy or suspected pregnancy. Severe liver failure, biliary cirrhosis and cholestasis, anuria, kidney failure, hypopotassemia, hyponatremia, refractory hypercalcemia, gout or uric acid stones.
Dosage Form: Valsartan 80 mg / Chlorthalidone 12.5 mg in packages of 10 and 30 coated tablets. E.F. 42.224/19.
Storage: Store in a dry place at less than 30°C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Indications: Treatment of attention and memory disorders that are part of age-related mental deterioration or age-related degenerative disease.
Dosage: Initial: 4.0 gr. per day for one week, followed by 2 gr. per day as a maintenance dose, split every 8 to 12 hours.
Adverse reactions: May cause agitation, irritability, shaking, nervousness, headache.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the formula. Kidney and/or liver failure. Brain tumors or hemorrhaging.
Warnings: Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Dosage Form: 400 and 800 mg tablets. E.F. 21.090 y 22.276.
Indications: Calcium and vitamin D3 supplement
Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets per day depending on patient’s needs.
Adverse reactions. In the case of long-term treatment or extremely high doses, there is a possibility of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, hypophosphatemia, kidney stones.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, hypervitaminosis, nephrocalsinosis. Prolonged immobility accompanied by hypercalciuria and/or hypercalcemia.
Dosage Form: Bottle with 30 coated tablets. E.F.30.756/11.
Indications: Food supplement with calcium, vitamin D3, folic acid and iron for pregnant women.
How to use: 1 to 2 tablets per day as a food supplement.
Dosage Form: Bottle with 30 coated tablets. A – 100.038.
Indications: Supplement for the prevention and/or treatment of pre- and postmenopausal bone demineralization and osteoporosis. Treatment of calcium and vitamin D deficiencies.
Dosage: 1 chewable tablet per day.
Warnings and precautions: Administer with care in patients with kidney disease and arteriosclerosis. Large amounts of vitamin K may interfere with the effects of oral anticoagulants such as warfarin. Magnesium supplements should not be given to patients with myasthenia gravis.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula.
Dosage Form: Bottle with 30 chewable tablets. A 110.122.
Indications: Adjuvant for the treatment of menopause-related discomfort: vasomotor symptoms, sleep disorders, mood changes and prevention of osteoporosis.
Dosage: 1 capsule a day. Do not take for take for a long time and do not exceed the recommended dose.
Warnings and precautions: Pregnancy and breastfeeding. In patients being treated for thyroid problems it may reduce absorption of those medications
Contraindications: Allergy to ingredients of the formula, hormone-dependent tumors, use of anticoagulants such as warfarin
Dosage Form: Bottle with 30 hard capsules. PN: 12-0026.
Indications: Functional colopathy (irritable bowel syndrome) and functional dyspepsia disorders.
Dosage: One 200-mg tablet every 8 hours or one 300-mg tablet every 12 hours for as long as the doctor recommends.
Adverse reactions: Trimebutine is a medication that is very well tolerated and side effects reported are few and mild. Rash in less than 2%, drowsiness in 0.08 %, and very rarely (< 0.01 %) headache, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, asthenia and dizziness.
Warnings: Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected or when breastfeeding, unless the doctor were to feel that the risk/benefit ratio favors use.
Dosage Form: 200 mg tablets E.F. 32.060. 300 mg coated LP tablets E.F. 32.704.
Indications: Heart failure, mild to moderate hypertension, ischemic cardiomyopathy, angina.
Dosage: Initial dose: 30 mg 4 times a day (before the main meals and before going to bed). The dose must be gradually adjusted every 1 to 2 days based on the patient’s needs until the desired therapeutic response is achieved. The optimum dose varies, although it generally ranges between 180 and 240 mg. per day. The usual dose is 60 or 90 mg 3 times a day.
Contraindications: Sinus node diseases. Second and third degree AV block. Low blood pressure (Systolic pressure less than 90 mmHg). Acute myocardial infarction with heart failure.
Warnings: Caution when using on patients with heart, liver or kidney failure.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Package with 60-mg scored tablets and 90-mg. scored tablets. E.F. 28.460/10 and E.F. 28.489/10.
Indications: Heart failure, mild to moderate hypertension, ischemic cardiomyopathy, angina.
Dosage: Initial: 120 to 180 mg once a day. Adjust the dose at 2-week intervals. Usual range, 120 to 180 mg per day.
Contraindications: Sinus node diseases. Second and third degree AV block. Hypotension (systolic pressure less than 90 mmHG).
Warnings: Caution when using for patients with heart, liver or kidney failure.
Dosage Form: Capsules: Box containing 10 120-mg and 180-mg prolonged-release capsules. E.F. 28.463/10 and E.F. 28.462/10.
Indications: Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and as an adjuvant to diet and exercise in patients in whom monotherapy is not effective.
Dosage: Initial dose. 50 mg of sitagliptin – 500 mg. of metformin, twice a day, gradually increasing the dose, depending on the response, up to 50 mg of sitagliptin-1000 mg of metformin twice a day. Maximum dose: Sitagliptin, 100 mg per day; metformin, 2000 mg per day. It must be taken twice a day with meals to prevent adverse gastrointestinal reactions to the metformin.
Contraindications: Contraindicated in the case of patients who are hypersensitive to the ingredients in the formula, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic coma, moderate and severe kidney failure, acute problems that may alter kidney function, such as: dehydration, serious infection, shock, intravenous administration of iodinated contrast agents, acute or chronic disease that can cause tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen to tissues) such as heart or respiratory failure, recent myocardial infarction, liver failure, among others.
Warnings: Product to be used under strict medical supervision. Not to be taken during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected nor while breastfeeding unless the doctor were to feel that the risk/benefit ratio favors use. (See information leaflet inside package).
Precautions and adverse reactions: (See information leaflet inside package).
Interactions with other medications: (See information leaflet inside package).
Dosage forms: Coated tablets: Blister pack with 10, 30 or 60 tablets with the following concentrations:
Crisomet 50 mg – 500 mg coated tablets, E.F.41.808/17 – CPE
Crisomet 50 mg – 850 mg coated tablets, E.F.41.809/17 – CPE
Administration: Oral.
Indications: Treatment of myasthenia gravis.
Posology: Dosage and frequency will depend on the needs of each patient and well as the patient’s clinical response and tolerance of the medication. Initial dose, 60 mg every 4 to 8 hours followed by gradual increases, if necessary, at intervals of at least 48 hours.
Maximum daily dose: Up to 1.500 mg/day.
Warnings and precautions: Product to be used under strict medical supervision. Not to be administered during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected, nor while breastfeeding unless the doctor were to feel that the risk/benefit ratio favors use. Care must used when administering to patients with hypertension and cardiomyopathy or COPD or with serious kidney failure. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dose. This product should not be taken by patients who are lactose or galactose intolerant.
Contraindications: Allergy to any of the ingredients in the formula. Intestinal and/or urinary tract obstruction. E.F. 42.159/18.
Indications: Moderate to severe acute and chronic pain.
Dosage: Oral: 100 mg every 8 hours. Intramuscular: 1 ampoule every 8 or 12 hours depending on the level of pain. Intravenous: 1 ampoule by bolus or infusion.
Contraindications: Allergy to ingredients of the formula. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Dosage Form: 100 mg. enteric-coated tablets. E.F. 28.711. Injection: Package with 1 and 6 100-mg ampoules for IM use. E.F. 39.129. Injection: Package with 1 and 6 100-mg ampoules, 5 ml for IV. E.F. 29.824.
Ingredients: Each capsule contains:
Indications: Treatment of inflammation and mild to moderate pain, migraines with or without aura, dysmenorrhea and fever.
Dosage: For pain and inflammation: 50 to 100 mg per day split every 12 hours (maximum dose 150 mg/day). For migraine: Single 50 mg dose. Fever: 50 mg every 8 hours. Take together with food.
Adverse reactions: Most important: Gastrointestinal (pain, irritation, worsening of peptic ulcer disease), hematological (platelet aggregation alterations, thrombocytopenia and other cytopenias), allergic (systemic and skin), and kidney. See information leaflet inside package.
Warnings and precautions: Do not take when pregnant or breastfeeding. Patients with heart or kidney disease. Patients with a history of peptic ulcer disease. Patients with blood disorders. If dengue fever is suspected.
Contraindications: Allergy to ingredients of the formula. Patients with kidney and/or liver failure. Patients with active gastroduodenal ulcer.
Dosage Form: Package with 50 mg capsules. E.F. 38.877/12.
Ingredients: Every 1 ml contains:
Indications: Treatment of inflammation and mild to moderate pain. Treatment of fever.
Dosage: Children 1 year or older: 0.5 to 2 mg/Kg/day, split in two (every 12 hours) to three doses (every 8 hours). Must be homogenized before use.
Adverse reactions: The most important: Gastrointestinal (pain, irritation, worsening of peptic ulcer disease), hematological (platelet aggregation alterations, thrombocytopenia and other cytopenias), allergic (systemic and skin), and kidney. See information leaflet inside package.
Warnings and precautions: Do not administer when pregnant or breastfeeding. Patients with heart or kidney disease. Patients with a history of peptic ulcer disease. Patients with blood disorders. If dengue fever is suspected.
Contraindications: Allergy to ingredients of the formula. Patients with kidney and/or liver failure. Patients with active gastroduodenal ulcer.
Dosage Form: Bottle containing 120 ml. E.F. 38.886/11.
Ingredients: Each coated tablet contains:
Indications: Prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency.
Dosage: Adults: One 1,000 IU or 2,000 IU tablet per day. Maximum dose 4,000 IU per day.
Adverse reactions: Hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, constipation, flatulence, nausea, epigastric pain, diarrhea, itching, exanthema, hives, headache, vomiting.
Warnings: If pregnant or breastfeeding ask your doctor before taking this product. Do not use if the patient has or has had kidney stones. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Keep out of the reach of children.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ingredients of the formula. Hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, nephrolithiasis, hypervitaminosis D, tissue calcification (nephrocalcinosis).
Interactions with other medications: See information leaflet inside package.
Dosage Form: Package with 1,000 IU tablets. E.F.39.856/12 and 2,000 IU E.F. 42.330/19.
Indications: Lesions to the oral mucosa and pharynx such as: aphtha, pharyngitis. ENT postoperative pain. As a topical anesthetic for dental procedures that require anesthesia for a short period. When implanting a dental prosthesis, impregnating the entire surface that will be in contact with the new denture is recommended. Prevention and relief of pain during urological procedures in men and women. Treatment of pain caused by some forms of urethritis. Lubricant for surgical instruments.
Dosage Form: Ointment at 5% in 35-mg tube. E.F. 30.870/10
Ingredients: Each coated tablet contains:
Dosage: Adults: One coated tablet (ibuprofen 200 mg – caffeine 30 mg dose) every 6 hours. Maximum dose per day: Ibuprofen, 800 mg; caffeine, 120 mg.
Indications: Painkiller for symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate pain, mild to moderate vascular headaches.
Warnings: If pregnant or breastfeeding, speak to your doctor before using. If the symptoms continue following use, discontinue and speak to your doctor.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the formula. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, active gastroduodenal ulcer, coagulation disorders and/or treatment with anticoagulants. Recent myocardial infarction. Dengue fever.
Dosage Form: Bottle with coated tablets. E.F. 31.805.
Ingredients: Each coated tablet contains:
Indications: Treatment of moderate to severe cramping abdominal pain.
Dosage: 1 tablet every 8 to 12 hours (maximum dose of ibuprofen, 800 mg).
Adverse reactions: Principal reactions: Nervous system (dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue); ophthalmological (accommodative dysfunction, mydriasis); suppressed secretion of saliva, urination problems and hypersensitivity reactions. See information leaflet inside package
Warnings and precautions: Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Patients with liver and/or kidney failure. High blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.
Contraindications: Allergy to ingredients in the formula. Patients with paralytic ileus or intestinal obstruction. Active gastroduodenal ulcer.
Dosage Form: Package of coated tablets with Ibuprofen 200 mg-Hyoscine 10 mg E.F. 39.949/13. Package of coated tablets with ibuprofen 400 mg-Hyoscine 20 mg. E.F. 39.350/11.
Indications: Treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Dosage: 5 mg: 5 mg: Adult men: 1 tablet per day continuously. Maximum dose: 1 tablet (5 mg/day). 20 mg.: Adult men: 1 tablet 30 minutes before sexual activity, with any meal. Maximum dose: 1 tablet (20 mg.). Wait 24 to 36 hours before taking again.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to tadalafil or any ingredients of the formula. Patients with heart diseases when sexual activity is contraindicated. Patients undergoing treatment with any form of organic nitrate, such as nitric oxide or nitrates in any of their pharmaceutical forms. Patients with severe kidney and/or liver disease. Those under the age of 18 years and women. This product should not be taken by patients who are lactose or galactose intolerant.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Package with 30 5-mg coated tablets; package with 1 and 10 20-mg coated tablets; package with 1 and 10 20-mg orally disintegrating tablets. E.F. 39.597/12, E.F.38.634/11 and E.F.40.783/14.
Ingredients: Each coated tablet contains:
Indications: Treatment of the symptoms of chronic peripheral venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids.
Dosage: Chronic venous insufficiency: 2 tablets per day (1,000 mg per day), split into 2 doses. Hermorrhoid crisis: 2 tablets (1,000 mg) every 8 hours for 4 days, followed by 2 tablets (1,000 mg) every 12 hours over the following 3 days.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula.
Warnings: Should be administered with care under medical supervision. Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected, or when breastfeeding. If there is no relief of the hermorrhoidal disorder after 15 days, speak to your doctor. Not to be administered together with antiacids or extremely alkaline foods as they can reduce absorption.
Dosage Form: Package containing 30 500-mg coated tablets. E.F. 34.479/17.
Ingredients: Gel: Every 100 g contains:
Indications: Topical analgesic. Rubefacient for pain in muscles or joints. Back pain, lumbago, neuralgia and sprains.
Precautiones: For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and mucosal tissue; in case of contact, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water. Do not apply over large areas of the skin. Do not apply to skin that is irritated or to wounds. In the case of sprains, apply without massaging.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to an ingredient in the formula. This product should not be used by people who are allergic to acetylsalicylic acid or other salicylates, patients with asthma of who have a prediposition to laryngial spasms, convulsions.
Ingredients :
Indications: Treatment of arterial hypertension and isolated systolic hypertension
Dosage: Adult: 12.5 to 25 mg per day.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the formula. It should not be administered to patients with anuria, kidney or liver failure, hypopotassemia, refractory hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, hyperuricemia or lupus erythematosus, a history of gout or uric acid stones.
Warnings: Chlorthalidone must be administered with extreme caution in the case of diabetic patients being treated with hypoglycemic medications or insulin and, if it is necessary, adjusting the doses of the hypoglycemic medications and/or insulin. Chlorthalidone may increase the effects of digitalis poisoning as well as low blood pressure due to other blood pressure medications
Dosage Form: Tablets: Package with 12.5 mg tablets x 30 capsules. E.F. 39.5220/12.
Ingredients: Each chewable tablet contains:
Indications: Symptomatic relief of heartburn.
Dosage: 1 chewable tablet every 12 hours, preferably after meals. Chew the tablet until it dissolves completely in your mouth then swallow with a glass of water. The dose may be increased as recommended by the doctor.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any H2 blockers. Severe liver and/or kidney failure.
Adverse reactions: Very infrequent: Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, headache, rash, hydroelectrolytic disorders, liquid or fluid retention, hypercalcemia and hypermagnesemia.
Warnings: Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected nor when breastfeeding unless the doctor were to feel that the risk/benefit ratio favors use. It should not be given to patients with severe liver and/or kidney failure. Not recommended for those under 18 years old. Do not administer to patients who abuse alcohol or who are undergoing regular treatment with diphenylhydantoin, warfarin and theophylline.
Dosage Form: Mint-flavored chewable tablets. E.F. 35.709.
Ingredients: Every 5 ml contains:
Indications: Food based on calcium, vitamin D3 and zinc.
How to use: Children over 2 years: 1 to 2 teaspoons (5 to 10 ml) per day. The dose may be increased if ordered by doctor. To be taken in addition to a well-balanced diet.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula. Active gastroduodenal disease. Kidney stones.
Dosage Form: 180 ml. bottle of tutti-frutti flavored suspension. A-84.542.
Indications: Treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia. Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
Dosage: One (1) tablet per day at the concentration prescribed by the doctor. Maximum dose, 80 mg of simvastatin/10 mg ezetimibe per day.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to an ingredient of the formula. Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected. Patients with acute liver and/or kidney failure or persistent unexplained increase in the serum transaminases. Pediatric age.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Package of 20/10 mg. tablets. E.F.37.386
Indications: Treatment of uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections caused by nitrofurantoin-sensitive germs.
Dosage: 50 to 100 mg, four times a day, with meals and before going to bed.
Contraindications: Anuria, oliguria or advanced kidney failure. Full-term pregnant patients and babies under 1 month old for possible hemolytic anemia due to immature enzyme systems of the fetus or the newborn.
Dosage Form: Capsules: Package with 50-mg capsules x 30 capsules. E.F. 16.065/09.
Indications: Magnesium citrate food supplement in capsules. Gluten free.
How to use: Take one (1) capsule a day. No more than four (4) capsules per day, preferably with meals.
Recommendations: Do not exceed the recommended dose. Keep out of the reach of children.
Storage: Store at room temperature below 30°C.
Dosage Form: Bottle with 30 and 60 capsules. A-120.879.
Composition: Each coated tablet contains:
24.3mg Sacubitril / 25.7mg valsartan.
Indications: Treatment of heart failure (NYHA class II-IV) in patients with systolic dysfunction.
Dosage: Initial dose 50 mg every 12 hours in patients not taking renin angiotensin aldosterone system inhibitors [angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)]. In case of taking an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, Neblum should be started 36 hours after discontinuation, to avoid safety problems.
If necessary, the initial dose should be doubled every 2 to 4 weeks, with a maximum dose of 200 mg every 12 hours.
Adverse reactions: hypotension, diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, myalgia, cough, dizziness, hyperkalemia.
Warnings and Precautions: Pregnancy and lactation. Should not be co-administered with an ARB or ACEI. Patients with moderate to severe hepatic insufficiency. Water-electrolyte imbalance; before starting treatment, sodium loss should be corrected.
Authorized by the M.P.P.S under No.:
NEBLUM 24.3 mg- 25.7 mg. 30 coated tablets E.F.42.653/21;
NEBLUM 48.6 mg- 51.4 mg. 30 coated tablets E.F.42.654/21;NEBLUM 97.2 mg -102.8 mg. 30 coated tablets. E. F.42.655/21
Ingredients: Each capsule contains:
Indications: Neuropathic pain. Fibromyalgia. Anticonvulsant in patients who do not respond to treatment with other anticonvulsants.
Dosage: As prescribed by the doctor.
Adverse reactions: Abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, peripheral edema. High blood pressure, syncope. Neutropenia. Ataxia, confusion, lack of coordination, vertigo, dysarthrea, drowsiness or insomnia. Others: See information leaflet inside package.
Warning and precautions: Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Cessation of this medication must be gradual and under the supervision of a doctor. If treatment were to be stopped suddenly, there is a risk that seizures or the epileptic condition (in patients being treated for epilepsy) could resume.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to an ingredient in the formula. Pregnancy and breatfeeding, arterial hypertension.
Dosage Form: Package with 75 mg and 150 mg capsules x 14 capsules .E.F. 38.421/10, E.F. 38.422/10.
Indications: Treatment of mild, moderate and severe hypertension. Treatment of chronic stable angina (stress angina), including prinzmetal angina or variant angina.
Dosage: 30 to 60 mg/day.
Warnings: Nifedipine may cause mild to moderate peripheral edema, depending on the dosage. This edema is a localized phenomenon associated with vasodilation of the arterioles and small blood vessels, not with left ventricular dysfunction of general fluid retention.
Interactions with other medications: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), beta-andrenergic blockers, cimetidine, anticonvulsants such as phenytoin and carbamazepine, digoxin and quinidine (control plasma levels), other high blood pressure medications, inhalation anesthetics, estrogens, lithium.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Package with 30-mg tablets. E.F. 35.311.
Ingredients: Every 1 ml contains:
Indications: Nasal decongestant.
Dosage: Recommended dose: 2 drops in each nostril 3 times per day.
Warnings: Pregnancy or breastfeeding (speak to your doctor before using this product). If the symptoms persist when using this medication, stop use and speak to your doctor. Prolonged use of this product can cause nervousness, restlestness and insomnia. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Keep out of the reach of children
Dosage Form: Plastic bottle with 15 ml. E.F. 8.474/10.
Ingredients: Every 1 ml contains:
Indications: Nasal decongestant.
Dosage: Children over 6 years: 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formula. Glaucoma. Children under 6 years of age.
Dosage Form: Plastic bottle with 15 ml. E.F. 8.473/12.
Ingredients: Each coated tablet contains:
Indications: Treatment of gastrointestinal infections caused by rifaximin-sensitive enteropathogens. Pre- and post-operative prophylaxis for infections following colon surgery. Reduction of intestinal bacterial flora in patients with liver failure (hyperammonemia).
Dosage: 600 to 800 mg per day, split into two or three doses, for 5 to 7 days.
Adverse reactions: General: Headache, fever. Gastrointestinal: Flatulence, abdominal pain, rectal tenesmus, nausea, constipation, vomiting. Other: Allergic skin reaction.
Dosage Form: Coated tablets: Box of 12 in bubble pack. E.F. 36.695.
Ingredients: Each tablet contains:
Indications: Treatment of inflammation and/or mild to moderate pain. Short-term treatment for moderate to severe pain following surgery or trauma.
Dosage: Initial dose: 10-20 mg. Maintenance: 10 mg every 6 to 8 hours or 20 mg every 12 hours. Maximum dose, 40 mg/day. Do not use for more than 5 days in a row.
Adverse effects: Dyspepsia, gastrointestinal pain and nausea. Less frequently: diarrhea, dizziness.
Warnings and precautions: History of peptic ulcer, kidney failure, liver disorders, coagulation disorders, geriatric patients (>65 years), fluid retention, cardiac decompensation or arterial hypertension. Maximum period to be taken: 5 days. See information leaflet inside package.
Contraindications: Allergic response to aspirin or any other NSAID. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Dosage Form: 30 mg sublingual tablets x 4, 20-mg tablets x 10.
Dimethicone at 4%, cyclomethicone.
How to use: Apply the lotion evenly on dry hair and allow to dry naturally. Leave it on for at least 8 hours or overnight. Wash hair with usual shampoo and rinse with plenty of water. Apply again 7 days after the first application.
Warnings: This product must not be ingested. Avoid contact with eyes; if it does get into eyes, rinse with plenty of water. In the event of an unfavorable reaction, stop using and speak to a doctor. Keep out of the reach of children.
Precautions: For external use only. Nº NSO-PC-D-55.070-VE.
Indications: Simple or mixed dyslipidemia, primary or secondary, when response to diet and other measures prove not to be enough.
Dosage: From 5 to 40 mg per day.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to rosuvastatin or any other ingredient in the formula. Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected. Patients with liver and/or kidney dysfunction. Children under 12 years of age.
Warnings: Alterations to kidney function have been found with the administration of this product, therefore, transaminases, creatine kinase (CK), bilirubin total and fractionated, should be monitored. If the concentration of transaminases increases more that 3 times the upper limit, treatment must be suspended. Levels of CK must be measured in patients with symptoms that suggest myopathy.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Box with 10-mg tablets. E.F. 39.374/11.
Indications: Initial treatment of acute symptoms caused by allergic rhinitis.
Dosage: Dose recommended for children over 12 years and adults: 1 tablet every 12 hours for no more than 3 days.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ingredients of the formula. Glaucoma, pyloric stenosis, urinary retention, cardiovascular diseases including hypertension, diabetes mellitus.
Warnings: This product may cause drowsiness, therefore when taking it patients should avoid activities requiring coordination and mental alertness.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Box with coated tablets. E.F. 35.116.
Indications: Relief of the symptoms associated with congestion in the upper respiratory system such as allergic rhinitis, with sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and allergic skin reactions, such as atopic dermatitis.
Dosage: Adults and children over 12 years old: 1 tablet per day.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Box with 10 tablets 120 mg each. E.F. 32.231/09
Indications: Allergic rhinitis and nasal decongestant.
Dosage: Children from 6 to 11 years: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) every 12 hours. Adults and children over 12 years: 2 teaspoons with 5 ml each every 12 hours or 1 tablet every 12 hours.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Box with 10 tablets. E.F. 32.234/09. Suspension: Bottle with 120 ml. E.F 32.233/09.
Ingredients : Each tablet contains:
Indications: Treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Dosage: Initial dose: mild hyperthyroidism: 15 mg per day. Moderately severe hyperthyroidism: 30 to 40 mg per day. Severe hyperthyroidism: 60 mg per day. Maintenance dose: 5 to 15 mg per day with a doctor’s prescription.
Adverse reactions: Hives, nausea, vomiting, arthralgia, headache, vertigo. More severe but unusual reactions: Agranulocytosis, hepatitis, drug-induced lupus. Nephritis. Hypoprothrombinemia. Use with caution, see information leaflet inside package.
Contraindications: Allergy to methimazole. Pregnancy and breastfeeding (it is excreted through the mother’s milk).
Dosage Form: 5 mg. tablets. E.F. 2.995/11.
Ingredients: Each capsule contains:
Indications: Treatment of vitamin C and zinc deficiency
Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules per day. Maximum dose 4g per day of vitamin C. Do not take for more than 60 days.
Adverse reactions: At high doses it can cause diarrhea, headache, gastralgia. It may favor hyperoxaluria and aggravate kidney stones.
Warnings and precautions: More than 4.0 gr of vitamin C per day can lead to or aggravate kidney stones. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula. High uric acid level.
Dosage Form: Package with 24 and 60 capsules. E.F. 33.736/11.
Indications: Relief of the sypmtoms of the common cold.
Dosage: 1 packet every 6 to 8 hours, dissolved in one cup of hot or cold water.
Warnings: If symptoms persist for more than 3 days, suspend treatment and speak to your doctor. It may cause drowsiness; when taking it patients should avoid activities requiring coordination and mental alertness; refrain from drinking alcohol or taking sedatives when taking this medication. Do not administer to children under 12 years. Pregnancy or breastfeeding: speak to your doctor.
Dosage Form: Packets: boxes of 6 E.F. 35.931.
Indications: Relief of the sypmtoms of the common cold.
Dosage: 1 packet every 6 hours, dissolved in one cup of water.
Warnings: If symptoms persist for more than 3 days, suspend treatment and speak to your doctor. It may cause drowsiness; when taking it patients should avoid activities requiring coordination and mental alertness; refrain from drinking alcohol or taking sedatives when taking this medication. Do not administer to children under 12 years. Pregnancy or breastfeeding: speak to your doctor.
Dosage Form: Packets: boxes of 6 E.F. 34.017.
Cada 5 ml contains:
Indications: Relief of the symptoms of the common cold.
Dosage: Children from 7 to 12 years: 2 teaspoons (10 ml) every 6 hours.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula
Warnings: If symptoms persist when taking this medication, suspend treatment and speak to your doctor. It may cause drowsiness; when taking it patients should avoid activities requiring coordination and mental alertness. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dose.
Dosage Form: Syrup: bottle with 120 ml (grape flavored). E.F. 28.216.
Indications: Relief of the sypmtoms of the common cold.
Dosage: Adults and children over 12 years: 1 tablet every 6 hours.
Warnings: If symptoms persist for more than 3 days, suspend treatment and speak to your doctor. It may cause drowsiness; when taking it patients should avoid activities requiring coordination and mental alertness; refrain from drinking alcohol or taking sedatives when taking this medication. For patients with arterial hypertension, thyroid or heart disease, speak to the doctor before taking. Administration in extremely high doses over a long period of time may cause serious liver or kidney lesions. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: speak to your doctor.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Packages of 10 E.F. 37.166.
Ingredients :
Indications: Adjuvant for fluidization of bronchial secretions.
Dosage: Children from 2 to 5 years: 2.5 m. (1/2 teaspoon) 3 times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years: 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3 times a day. Children 12 years and over and adults: 7.5 (1-1/2 teaspoons) 3 times a day.
Contraindications: Allergy to the ingredients of the formula.
Dosage Form: Syrup: Plastic bottle with 120 ml, with dosing cup included. P.N. 12.0027.
Maximum Dose:
Treatment of essential arterial hypertension: Adults: 5 mg per day.
Treatment of stable chronic heart failure: 10 mg per day.
Dose for patients over 65: Begin with 2.5 mg
Moat frequent side effects: Constipation, nausea, diarrhea, headache, vertigo, paresthesia, dyspnea, weariness.
Interactions: Paroxetine, fluoxetine, thioridazine, class I antiarrihythmic drugs, calcium channel blockers (verapamil/diltiazem), and centrally acting hypertensives.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the formula, severe bradycardia, AV block, cardiogenic shock, decompensated heart failure, sinus node dysfunction and severe liver failure. Use in pregnant women has not been evaluated.
Warnings: Avoid use during pregnancy or when breastfeeding.
Dosage Form: 5-mg scored tablets x 10, 30, 50 tablets.
Storage: Store in a dry place at a temperature below 30°C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Ingredients: Every 5 mL of suspension contains:
Sucralfate (Basic aluminum salt of sulfated sucrose) 1.00 g.
Sodium saccharin 0.0075 g.
Sodium cyclamate 0.03 g.
Others, amount necessary.
Ingredients: Each tablet contains:
Sucralfate (Basic aluminum salt of sulfated sucrose) 1.00 g.
Corn starch 0.0187 g.
Others, amount necessary.
Route of administration: Oral.
Indications: Treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer and gastritis.
Posology: Dose: Adults: 1 g every 6 hours on an empty stomach. Treatment should be continued for 4 to 8 weeks, unless there is earlier endoscopic or X-ray proof of a cure.
Maximum daily dose: The usual recommended dose (4 g per day).
Dose in patients with kidney failure, liver failure and the elderly: No need for an adjustment to the dosage has been described.
How to use: In all forms it must be taken on an empty stomach (1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal). It should be taken 1 hour before each meal and at night before going to bed. Tablets: Take orally with water. Suspension: Take orally, drinking ¼ of ½ glass of water after each dose. Shake before using to homogenize the suspension.
Adverse effects: Frequency unknown: anemia, vomiting, gastric discomfort, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, encephalopathy, back pain, osteodystrophy, osteomalacia, vertigo, anaphylactic reaction (including itching, rash, angioedema, rhinitis, dyspnea, laryngeal spasm and bronchospams). Frequent: constipation. Infrequent: dry mouth, nausea. Rare: feeling of full stomach, bezoars, rash.
Warnings and precautions: Product to be used with caution under the supervision of a doctor. Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected, or when breastfeeding unless prescribed by the doctor. Although systemic absorption of aluminum associated with the use of sucralfate is very low, in patients with severe kidney failure it could lead to accumulation and cause toxicity. In this regard, there have been reports of cases of aluminum osteodystrophy, osteomalacia and encephalopathy. In view of this, this medication should be used with extreme caution in these patients and the serum level of aluminum should be checked regularly. Cases of bezoars in hospitalized patients treated with sulcrafate for the prevention of stress ulcers have been reported. The documented cases mainly involve critically ill patients in intensive-care units who also have underlying conditions causing a predisposition to the formation of a bezoars (slowing down of gastric emptying due to surgery, medication therapy or diseases that reduce intestinal motility) or who are receiving enteral feeding through a nasogastric tube. Efficacy and safety for children under 14 years of age has not been determined.
Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the prescribed dose.
Contraindications: Allergy to any of the ingredients in the formula.
Interactions: Sucralfate may reduce (by absorption) the bioavailability of orally –administered medications (such as: fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, theophylline, phenytoin, digoxin, warfarin, ketoconazole, levothyroxine, quinidine, cimetidine and H2 blockers) and, therefore, jeopardize the therapeutic efficacy of the latter. To prevent this, sucrafalate and these medications should be administered at least 2 hours apart. The concomitant use of sucrafalate and antacids containing aluminum could foster corporal accumulation of the cation and lead to toxicity.
Storage: Store at room temperature at less than 30º C.
Manufactured and distributed in Venezuela by LABORATORIOS FARMA S.A. RIF: J-00013393-0
September 7, 2021
Indications: Urinary alkalinizer in patients with uric-acid kidney stones. Treatment of calcium-oxalate kidney stones.
Dosage: In patients with severe hypocitraturia (urine citrate below 150 mg per day), treatment should begin with a dose of 60 mEq perday (20 mEq 3 times a day or 15 mEq 4 times a day with meals or 30 minutes after meals or with a snack at bedtime). In patients with mild to moderate hypocitraturia (>150 mg per day), the initial dose of Urocit should be 30 mEq per day (10 mEq 3 times a day with meals). Maximum dose, 100 mEq per day.
Contraindications: Adrenal failure, kidney failure, respiratory or metabolic alkalosis, intestinal obstruction, active gastric ulcer.
Adverse effects: May cause mild gastrointestinal disorders such as dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which can be eased by administering with meals.
Warnings: Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected, nor when breastfeeding. The active ingredient is released from the wax matrix to work. The matrix is an inert vehicle and can be excreted without causing changes in the stool.
Dosage Form: Tablets: Bottle with 100 prolonged-release tablets with 10 mEq each. E.F. 37.073.
Ingredients: Each tablet contains:
Indications: Anticonvulsant for the prophylactic treatment of generalized epileptic seizures (grand mal and petit mal) and partial seizures. Epilepsy and mania, prevention of migraine crises.
Dosage: Adults: prophylactic treatment for epileptic seizures: 500 to 1000 mg per day. Epilepsy and mania: 1000 to 3000 mg per day. Migraine prophylaxis: 500 to 1000 mg per day. With a doctor’s prescription.
Adverse effects: Toxic hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, ataxia, dysarthrea, headache, nausea, weakness, anorexia, diarrhea or constipation.
Warnings: Product must be used with care. Administer only under strict medical supervision. In the event of loss of appetite, dizziness, general weakness, drowsiness or any other symptom, speak to your doctor immediately. Valproic acid is a hepatotoxic, mainly if given to children under 2 years old who are taking several anticonvulsive medications due to refractory seizures and/or who have congenital metabolic disorders. Toxic hepatitits in older childrn and adults is not frequently found at the recommended dosage. The patient must absolutely be kept under close clinical and laboratory observation, especially during the early months of the treatment. Any alteration in laboratory results for assessing liver function, as well as symptoms such as anorexia, muscular weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, should lead to immediate replacement of valproic acid with other anticonvulsive treatments.
Precautions: An increase in plasma levels of phenobarbitol and variable alterations of the plasma levels of diphenylhydantoin sodium has been observed; therefore any association between this medication and valproic acid must be determined on an individual basis and adjusted to the clinical needs of each patient. Avoid administering together with clonazepam.
Dosage Form: 500-mg tablets E.F. 23.401/10.
Ingredients: Sodium valproate.
Indications: Anticonvulsant for the prophylactic treatment of generalized epileptic seizures (grand mal and petit mal) and partial seizures. Epilepsy and mania.
Dosage: Children: Prophylactic treatment for epileptic seizures: 15 to 30 mg per kilo per day. Epilepsy and mania: 15 to 60 mg per kilo per day. With a doctor’s prescription
Dosage Form: Solution in drops: 30-mL bottle with measured dropper, with 200 mg/mL. E.F.21.902/10.
Indications: Symptomatic relief of tired-leg syndrome.
Dosage: Apply the gel once or twice a day ,massaging feet and legs in an upward motion for a few minutes until fully absorbed.
Warnings: Do not ingest this product. In the event of an unfavorable reaction, stop using. If the reaction persisists, speak to your doctor. For external use only, avoid contact with eyes and mucosa, irritated skin or open wounds; if it does occur, rinse well with plenty of clean water.
Dosage Form: Tube with 60 g. of refreshing gel refrescante NSO-PC-B-55.449VE.
The information provided on this Web page has been prepared by Laboratorios Farma S.A. and is strictly for use by medical and health-care personnel, it is NOT addressed to the general public and should not be viewed as medical advice or recommendation of any kind whatsoever. We discourage self-medication and suggest you speak to your doctor regarding any questions or advice concerning the pharmaceutical products described on this page. Laboratorios Farma S.A. is not responsible for any misuse of the information provided here by third parties.